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Naturopathic & Nutritional Blog Posts and Pathology results explained. Be the person you want to be!
This page provides useful information for you to review and apply for your health. In addition, your pathology results are explained so you can understand how your body works, how you can tell if something isn't right, and how to take positive changes to turn things around.
Be the person you want to be by taking your health in your hands!

Kim Atherton
3 min read
Haemochromatosis is a condition that causes the body to absorb too much iron from our diet causing iron overload. Genetic causes are common.

Kim Atherton
4 min read
Gout and MTHFR Link
Methylation is speculated as a link between elevated uric acid levels and the formation of gout crystals. Working on methylation may help.

Kim Atherton
6 min read
Autism Symptoms - are they the Cause?
What are the underlying causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders? Autism Symptoms - are they now the cause? Why are autism numbers increasing?

Kim Atherton
6 min read
Fix your Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Fix your Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) - a disease of the liver related to diet, by introducing a Mediterranean Diet approach.

Kim Atherton
8 min read
Autoimmune Disease
What is Autoimmune Disease? Our immune response targets self. Autoimmune responses can be localised to specific organs, or systemic.

Kim Atherton
5 min read
What is ADHD & Dopamine Link?
What is ADHD and what is the link with the neurotransmitter dopamine? Why are our phones considered the modern day 24/7 hypodermic needle?

Kim Atherton
7 min read
How does our Immune System Work?
How does our immune system work, and how can we see on pathology tests if there are signs it's not working well, and when to be concerned?

Kim Atherton
5 min read
Why Test our Gut Microbiome?
Why Test our Gut Microbiome? It is believed that all low grade, chronic inflammation begins in the gut leading to chronic diseases today.

Kim Atherton
7 min read
Why Am I Losing My Hair?
Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss for men and women. Most days we lose around 100 hairs - more than this may require investigation.

Kim Atherton
4 min read
Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease
Do you have signs of Chronic Kidney Disease? Knowing what pathology results to interpret is crucial for our health and longevity.

Kim Atherton
5 min read
What Am I Supposed To Eat?
Eating can be so confusing these days! What should we eat? For optimal health, we need to feed our gut microbiome and protect our liver!

Kim Atherton
6 min read
Why is Vitamin D Deficiency Common?
Why are so many people Vitamin D deficient these days? Beyond spending less time outdoors, other explanations include Magnesium deficiency!

Kim Atherton
11 min read
Intricacies of Thyroid Testing
Do you have a hypothyroid issue, or is the thyroid responding to the Cell Danger Response? Let's discuss the intricacies of thyroid testing.

Kim Atherton
9 min read
PCOS and Weight Gain
PCOS is common with as many as 1 in every 10 females experiencing it and subsequent weight gain that is stubbornly resistant to all efforts.

Kim Atherton
4 min read
What is Homeopathy?
What is Homeopathy - a natural treatment modality based on the premise that 'like cures like'. Remedies gently stimulate our Vital Force.

Kim Atherton
4 min read
How do Bach Flowers work?
The Bach Flowers are liquid remedies that capture the positive power of flowers to overcome negative emotions seen as physical symptoms.

Kim Atherton
9 min read
Bread - Is it Bad for You?
Does bread have potential issues that may impact on our health? If issues potentially exist, then what can we do to minimise the risks?

Kim Atherton
7 min read
Oxalates - Sharp, Needle-like Crystals
Do you have unexplained sharp, needle-like pains? It might be oxalates that are described as causing 'sharp, needle-like pain' in the body.

Kim Atherton
2 min read
Vitamins & Minerals from Food Sources
With so many Vitamins and Minerals in our food sources that we need to consume, how do we know if we are consuming a balanced diet?

Kim Atherton
4 min read
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's)
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) which the body cannot manufacture must be eaten in our diet for healthy Omega 3 levels.

Kim Atherton
5 min read
Preconception Care & Methylation
Preconception care and methylation support, 3-4 months prior to conception, supports healthy conception & can minimise fertility treatments.

Kim Atherton
6 min read
Dietary Fibre, Prebiotics & SCFA's
Dietary fibre is the indigestible part of plants we eat, that acts as a prebiotic food source to gut bacteria to produce beneficial SCFA's.

Kim Atherton
7 min read
SIBO - what's the story?
What's the story with SIBO - Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth? Bacteria 'being in the wrong place at the wrong time!'

Kim Atherton
4 min read
Iridology Explained
Iridology is the study of the coloured iris in our eyes highlighting potential inherited genetic strengths & weaknesses.
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