My name is Kim Atherton from m-pATH Naturopathy.
I am a Clinical Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and Biomedical Scientist. I have always been interested in the science behind health since I was a teenager. I studied Biomedical Science at university and have worked in the pathology industry since 1986.
It has seemed to me over the years that early signs of poor health are often missed, and things that feel not quite right - tiredness, stress, weight issues, menstrual issues, pain, emotional changes, bowel issues, skin issues can often be overlooked for what the body is trying to tell us. Hence my studies in Clinical Naturopathy and Clinical Nutrition.
As a mature aged consultant, I also bring my plentiful life experiences (I'm still on my own health journey), along with my scientific knowledge and intimate understanding of the usefulness of pathology and functional testing to truly understand what's going on at an early stage. Not everything requires testing, but if it does I have the expertise to interpret and provide guidance on how best to assist.
If you would like to speak about any health concerns you have, please feel free to reach out. I'd love to hear from you. My goal is to empower you to understand what your body is telling you, ensure your pathology results are explained, and to empower you to address the changes you need. Be the person you want to be by taking your health in your hands. I look forward to working with you!
Kim x

m-pATH Naturopathy
m-pATH Naturopathy bore its name through a journey of serendipity from discussion with my family. The word serendipity has always meant so much to me as everything in my life that has been good, has been stumbled upon by accident. The same is true for my journey into natural health and my business and its name.
m-pATH – is for Empathy which is the non-judgemental, supportive emotion I bring to every client consultation.
m – is for Empowering which is how I help educate and train you in simple, understandable language that helps you take control of your own health journey.
m is also for MTHFR which is the genetic variant I have that explained so many life circumstances I had experienced. Importantly, I now know how to work with this gene and many hundreds of others, via the process of nutrigenomics. This is using nutrition from food and supplements, herbs and homeopathy to optimise my health and that of my family, and yours!
pATH – is for Pathology which is where I have spent my entire career spanning over 35 years and is the expertise I bring to all my consultations.
pATH – is also for the pathway or health journey we are all on and which I would be happy to assist you with.
ATH – is for Atherton which is my family name and my family (my husband, two daughters and our lovely dog Lola) mean the world to me.
m – is for Metabolic Pathways and the deep knowledge of these biochemical pathways and how the smallest changes can alter them positively (or if ignored, negatively). I bring this deep knowledge to share with you in your consultation, and ensure your pathology results are explained.
The curved m design is ‘organic’ in nature reflecting the organic nature of the healing process, as well as resembling a heart which reflects what I bring to every consultation.
What makes me even prouder of my business name is that it is fully branded by my daughter, Ella.
Why so many beach scenes? I grew up on the beach, and if you've ever known how good a swim is in the ocean, you are beginning to understand the power of one of our most essentials minerals - Magnesium - a mineral that is so helpful for us, yet nearly all of us are deficient in. Let me help you understand more.
My Qualifications
Bachelor of Applied Science - Biomedical Science
My interest in Biomedical Science began in high school when I completed an assignment on anaemia. Little would I know that in my 50's I would still be endeavouring to understand the complex, many causes behind anaemia (which is not as straight forward as my Biomedical Science training had me understand). I decided back then that a career in Biomedical Science was my calling. I have worked in many fields of pathology over the past 35 years, both in the laboratory and commercially. It has always been the clinical science that has fascinated me.
AdvDip. Clinical Naturopathy
AdvDip. Clinical Nutrition
AdvDip. Western Herbal Medicine
Associate Fellowship of Advanced Homeopathy
AdvDip. Integrative Natural Health
My qualifications in Clinical Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition, Western Herbal Medicine, Integrative Natural Health and Homeopathy enable me to help clients understand the progressive nature of declining health. We are generally not 'healthy', then suddenly 'unhealthy'. There is a continuum and our bodies give us messages. Little 'niggles' that we know aren't quite right. This is the gap where I can help you understand what is going on, and provide guidance on how you can turn that around.
Dip. Marketing
Dip. Business Management
Dip. Finance
Dip. Financial Markets
Over the years I have gained qualifications in business, marketing and finance as I have always thought that one day I would start my own business that would help others gain knowledge off the back of my many decades of learning. Learning is what I love to do, and arming you with that knowledge would give me such joy.
​Here we are with m-pATH Naturopathy, and here we are that you've found me. I am ready to empower you to be the person you want to be. Are you ready to take back your health in your hands?