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- Autism Symptoms - are they the Cause?
The numbers of cases of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is increasing globally. What are the underlying causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders? Are the symptoms that have been known for some time, actually now considered to be the cause ? What can be done to help? Worldwide, there has been a massive increase in the number of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses. In 1980 it was estimated that 1:10,000 births would result in an autistic child, however latest data shows that to be 1:36 births. Even worse for Australians, is that Australia is the global leader with the rapid increase in numbers of ASD births. At the same time, the statistics for asthma, food allergies, autoimmune diseases are also rising in a similar trajectory. What is going on, how is our modern lifestyle impacting this rise, and how can we help those affected by the disorder, or wanting to prevent this in their offspring? Before we uncover what is known today about the underlying causes, and ways to assist, we should start with a definition of autism. Definition of Autism The Diagnostic and Statistical Handbook of Mental Health, now on version 5 and known as DSM-5 , states that an autism diagnosis requires persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following deficits in: social-emotional reciprocity in nonverbal communicative behaviours used for social interaction in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships Genetic and Environmental Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Image source Are Autism Symptoms actually the Cause of Autism? It is known today that biochemical reasons are the underlying explanation as to the casue of the rise in autism cases worldwide. Triggers , result in biochemical disruptions , that result in health issues . What was once considered symptoms of Autism, is now accepted as causes of Autism, and our modern lifestyle is to blame. Autism Triggers include: Toxins whether they be from inside our bodies (endotoxins) or from outside our bodies (exotoxins) Depleted nutrition (from diet or from issues with our bodies biochemical pathways) Excess antibiotic use and the impact that has on our gut microbiome A reduction in social interaction The increase in electromagnetic frequency (EMF) impact from mobile phone use Biochemical Disruptions include: Methylation changes Gut microbiome changes Immune activation (when not required) Brain inflammation Disruption of the Blood-Brain-Barrier (BBB) Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance, like blood pressure and pulse rate increases Mitochondrial Dysfunction from the Cell Danger Response Resultant Health Issues: Autism ADHD Autoimmune Disease Asthma Allergies Anxiety Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Obesity Biochemical Disruptions Associated With Autism 1. Methylation Methylation, or the addition of a -CH3 molecule to chemicals in our biochemical pathways, can turn on, or off, the proteins it gets added to (like our genes, hormones, and enzymes). This is known as epigenetically impacting how our body works. This is all driven by the nutrients from our diet (or supplements). Methylation reactions in our bodies are vital for life. Upregulating or downregulating can occur in ASD cases and we can see that by measuring various test analytes in the methylation cycle using specific functional tests. Methylation Cycle with markers low and high in Autism Spectrum Disorders Image source Inadequate methylation can lead to: Mental health issues - autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression Histamine issues - with the worst case scenario being Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Cancer - cancer promotor genes can be silenced by methylation, and DNA repaired. Recurrent miscarriages Breakdown of our hormones (oestrogen) Liver detoxification issues (Methylation is part of our Phase II Detoxification process) Migraines Circulation problems Inflammation and toxicity increases Midline body issues like tongue tie, and lip-tie Outside of a healthy balanced diet, supplementation, in activated forms, may be required to alter methylation in a favourable way for Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Protein (methionine, creatine, choline), and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). This can assist with symptoms. As well, we can favourably alter genetic predisposition with healthy methylation. 2. Gut Health It has been recognised since 1943 that gut health is a recognised issue in autism, with up to four times the likelihood of constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, leading to irritability, hyperactivity and social withdrawal. Genetic sequencing of gut microbes highlights generally an: Increase in Clostridia species that causes autism-like symptoms A reduction in Akkermansia that can lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Obesity and Diabetes A reduction in Bifidophilus that can cause immune dysfunction Healthy beneficial bacteria promote the formation of good immune balance by our regulating T cells (TReg's). Unhealthy bacteria promote alterations in our immune system function: Inflammation Allergies Autoimmunity Food insensitivities As well as microbiome changes, there is impairment in intestinal permeability and gut barrier protection. We need to let in nutrients, short chain fatty acids, and neurotransmitters, but prevent entry of immune cells, cytokines and antibodies. We need healthy levels of secretory IgA (sIgA), and tight junctions between intestinal cells. Medications, antibiotics, toxins, stress, dietary habits, systemic inflammation, metabolic disorders, pathogens and dysbiosis can all impact on the semi-permeability of the gut. The brain is also impacted by the Gut-Brain-Immune imbalance. Altering our diet can have a positive impact. 3. Mitochondria Toxicity Chronic inflammation, toxicity, chronic infections all cause 'signals' to be generated in our bodies that trigger the Cell Danger Response. Through this, our cells stop communicating with each other to prevent the 'signal' being passed on. This can result in: Mitochondrial signs - weakness, fatigue easily, floppy baby, poor muscle tone Glutathione, our body's major antioxidant being used up very quickly leading to the risk of multiple disorders. Nutrients that disrupt the 'signaling' process may be beneficial. We need to clear and open Liver Detoxification Pathways to adequately deal with the levels of toxins never seen in the world before. The vitamins B2, B3, B6, Folate, B12, and flavanoids, glycine, taurine, glutamine, methionine, glutathione, phospholipids are all required to enable safe and effective removal of toxins via our faeces and urine, else toxins accumulate in our bodies. We can help remove potential reabsorption via our enterohepatic circulation with the use of binders, that block the reabsorption of bile and the recirculation of toxins. Ensuring our detoxification pathways are open and clear can have positive impacts. 4. Cerebral Folate Deficiency Cerebral Folate Deficiency is where the folate that we eat, can't be received in the brain (the folate receptor is blocked by an auto-antibody). This may be medically treated with high dose folate in a certain format. 5. Neuroinflammation Neuroinflammation lies at the heart of autism with the majority of patients. Inflammation activates the Cell Danger Response, which results in inflammation in the brain, that disrupts signaling for speech and awareness. Correcting inflammation and calming down our overactive immune system can assist with this. What Can Be Done To Help? 1. Functional Testing There are some wonderful functional test kits available to help determine the status of someone with autism. They include: Faecal Microbiome testing to determine what the status of the gut microbiome looks like Urine Organic Acids Test to help understand how well methylation is working, levels of Clostridia, candida, mould, oxalates, impacts on neurotransmitters, oxidative stress from low glutathione etc 2. Nutrition and Lifestyle Help Nutrition and lifestyle changes can have positive impacts on someone living with autism. Dietary changes by choosing Gluten free, Casein free (from dairy) foods, no processed foods, with no colourings, no additives, no flavourings, are the quickest way to alter the gut microbiome quickly, and to balance the immune dysfunction. Eating a wide diversity of food types which can often be difficult to do in autism cases, so supplementation may be required. This enables optimal methylation. Ensure adequate fibre through the use of prebiotics. This promotes the feeding of beneficial bacteria. Keeping a calm, predictable environment, with minimal screen time. Diaphragmatic breathing to calm the nervous system. If you would like to get Faecal Gut Microbiome and/or Urinary Organic Acids testing performed for your autism investigations, or discuss your associated concerns, then please don't hesitate to make a booking with me. Sign Up for Further Educational Material If you would like to make sure you don't miss a Blog update from me, or would like to receive more information in the form of upcoming e-Books and Online courses, then please subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of the Blog front page. References: DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Medical Academy of Paediatric Special Needs Methylation 101 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pathogenesis, Biomarker, and Intervention Therapy World Health Organisation: Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones ARTICLE/CONTENT DISCLAIMER The information provided in this blog/article/handout is for your personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. It should not be considered as medical or professional advice. We recommend you consult with a GP or other healthcare professional before taking or omitting to take any action based on this blog/article/handout. While the author uses best endeavours to provide accurate and true content, the author makes no guarantees or promises and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this blog/article/handout are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this blog/article/handout is done at your own risk. Any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in this blog/article/handout do not necessarily reflect the author’s opinion, standards or policies and the author does not assume any liability for them whatsoever.
- Oxalates - Sharp, Needle-like Crystals
Do you have unexplained sharp, needle-like pains? It might be Oxalate crystals. Not to be confused with Uric Acid crystals that cause Gout. Not all crystals are Uric acid implicated in Gout, but unfortunately not all crystals are routinely tested for. You may get put on medication well before it's truly investigated. Oxalate crystals are described as causing 'sharp, needle-like pain' anywhere in the body. Oxalate crystals can lodge and cause muscle pain (fibromyalgia), bone pain, joint pain causing arthritis, vulvar pain, eyes, in blood vessels, lungs, thyroid, and the brain! They can even cause anaemia, and other mineral deficiencies, and can bring on immunosuppression. They can trap heavy metals and cause heavy metal toxicity. Such a lot for a crystal not really investigated well in mainstream medicine. What are Oxalates and where do they come from? Oxalic acid is a tiny molecule that is toxic and corrosive. When it combines with other minerals it forms oxalates. For example calcium oxalate is what most Kidney stones are comprised of. Oxalic acid comes from: Plants - they make it possibly as self-defence. Many 'healthy foods' contain it. For example: spinach, almonds, berries, chocolate, potatoes, kiwi fruit, cumin, turmeric and more. Our bodies make it - if we are deficient in Vitamin B6 which may happen if our CBS pathway is running too fast, which is scientific talk that says our body is under severe oxidative stress and we have a strong need to be making Glutathione which is our major antioxidant. Dietary choices - having poor bile production, and low calcium and magnesium intake, and eating lots of fats, and sugars can cause oxalates. Diet is discussed in detail below. If we take too much Vitamin C supplementation we can make them. Aspergillus and Candida (Yeast) also make it. Certain genes can predispose us to making them. Symptoms from High Oxalates Multiple, vaied symptoms of pain as shown in the graphic, and many more!. Image Why do Oxalates Cause Harm? Our bodies have no way of disarming oxalates once it's formed and we must move them and excrete it . To move them for excretion is not the same as metabolising it (as we do with other toxins via our liver), and this is where that movement for excretion can cause damage and pain in our bodies. Imagine moving tiny needles throughout your body! These needles can cause not only pain, but they can perforate cell membranes, so we can end up with kidney damage, leaky gut, lung issues, mind and mood issues, sleep issues, gum issues, bone instability and more. We often don't see these acutely, but they develop chronically and start off as inflammation that we seem to be very accepting of in our modern society. Additionally, for oxalic acid to form oxalates it must 'steal' minerals from us. This can make us deficient in minerals. As such, oxalates are called 'anti-nutrients'. If we don't get our vitamins and minerals, then we can become anaemic, osteopaenic, etc and all our cellular metabolism and growth work can be disrupted. Once at the kidneys for excretion, if there are too many we can overwhelm the kidneys and this is where we may form kidney stones. Correct supplementation and assistance is required to minimise this potential. Link with Oxalates and Autism Another important link: Do you have children who are non-verbal with behavioural issues, or who lash out at their bodies? Oxalates may be the cause. Studies show that there are much higher levels of oxalates in autistic children than in non-autistic children. These children may be experiencing terrible pain that they can't communicate to you. Your body has something to tell you. Let's explore so we can help you. Our Diet and Sharp, Needle-like Oxalate Crystals If you're experiencing seemingly mysterious pains in your body, it may be oxalates, and what you eat may very well be causing it as discussed above. There are also inherited genes that may impact on how well we break down oxalates. Additionally, taking a look at your gut microbiome (poop) can provide information on whether you have a good amount of oxalate eating bacteria (or not). Let's discuss Diet in detail: People consuming lots of healthy (?!) green smoothies are at risk of developing oxalate crystals. You could be consuming 10 times the daily recommended amount of oxalates . Who needs a good excuse not to drink green smoothies? Have you been taking high amounts of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) thinking you are helping your immunity? Very high levels of Ascorbic Acid can be converted to Oxalates. Do you have a high sugar diet? Candida love sugar, and they produce oxalates. Do you live in mouldy conditions? Aspergillus in mouldy conditions can do the same. Do you have smoothies based on almond milk with berries regularly? These are high oxalate dietary sources. Do you have liver or gall bladder issues? If so you may have issues with bile formation and secretion. If you have a high fat diet and possible bile acid deficiency, you may be experiencing diarrhoea. The fat in your diet won't be emulsified and will bind to calcium meaning calcium is unavailable to bind to oxalates for their safe excretion. The consequence - oxalate crystal formation. Do you eat non-organic meat? Meat from grain fed animals (non-organic) is high in Arachidonic Acid (Omega-6) that is associated with increased oxalate problems. Do you have a diet low in magnesium and calcium? Magnesium and calcium bind to oxalate crystals to enable them to be excreted from the body. A diet low in magnesium and calcium means these minerals are diverted to other essentials tasks, with oxalate breakdown not deemed essential. For calcium, this means preferentially being used to keep our hearts pumping. For magnesium, this means spreading itself for the many hundreds of reactions needing magnesium in our body. As a consequence, we may develop oxalate crystals. Healthy taurine and glycine levels are needed for good bile production, so the CBS Pathway needs to be working well, and is often not with oxalate issues. Like everything in life, and everything we eat, it should be in moderation else we can experience issues. The Goldilocks effect. Oxalates and Kidney Stones Have you ever had kidney pain, or have had kidney stones before? This was how oxalates were first found in people, as calcium oxalate kidney stones. Because of this, the mistaken impression was that you should avoid calcium. The opposite is true however. We need calcium to bind and excrete them in urine. Not enough calcium can lead to calcium stone formation. However, the calcium should be balanced with magnesium. How to test for Oxalates There is also brilliant functional testing kit (Organic Acids Testing) that must be performed to determine if oxalates are the cause of your pain. It can also tell if you have a genetic predisposition to form oxalates, and whether you have candida or mould exposure. An amazing amount of information is provided in this test kit with over 70 markers and various combinations of results that provide so much information. If you are experiencing pain in your body that hasn't resolved, I highly recommend the OATS test before you consider medication. Diets can be adjusted. Aside from the OATS test, you may get an indication of the damage being caused by oxalates if you have a low Homocysteine reading - read my blog  on that for more information, that may result in methylation issues. How to treat Oxalates If you have pain in your joints or body tissues, removing oxalates from your diet should be done slowly , and under the guidance of a qualified naturopath, else you may experience oxalates moving in your body which equates to moving sharp needles throuh your body tissues. This will create not only a lot of pain, but a lot of inflammation which will have further flow on negative effects. Ensure your house is kept free of mould. There are certain supplements and certain probiotics, and a certain procedure you must follow in order to resolve the issue. Speak to a qualified Naturopath. The removal of yeast is important - this means consuming a low sugar diet, and removing simple carbohydrates from your diet as this is the food source of choice for candida. Additionally, you need good amounts of healthy bacteria in your microbiome, and healthy amounts of oxalobacter bacteria to break down oxalates. Microbiome testing will provide that information. Supplementation will often be required, and for this you must see a qualified naturopath to turn this around for you. Increase your water intake to help flush the bound oxalates out. If you would like to discuss your personal circumstances, get tested for Oxalates, and understand how to incorporate foods, and supplements into your diet to ensure oxalates are treated safely, please make a booking via the button below. I am experienced in performing this. Sign Up for Further Educational Material If you would like to make sure you don't miss a Blog update from me, or would like to receive more information in the form of upcoming e-Books and Online courses, then please subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of the Blog front page. References:  Oxalates High Oxalate: A Major Factor in Tissue and Blood VesselHealth Oxalates and Autism ARTICLE/CONTENT DISCLAIMER The information provided in this blog/article/handout is for your personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. It should not be considered as medical or professional advice. We recommend you consult with a GP or other healthcare professional before taking or omitting to take any action based on this blog/article/handout. While the author uses best endeavours to provide accurate and true content, the author makes no guarantees or promises and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this blog/article/handout are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this blog/article/handout is done at your own risk. Any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in this blog/article/handout do not necessarily reflect the author’s opinion, standards or policies and the author does not assume any liability for them whatsoever.
- Haemochromatosis
Haemochromatosis is a condition that causes the body to absorb too much iron from our diet. Iron is found in our haemoglobin enabling oxygen transport around our body. Normally, dietary iron absorption is under careful control, with any transient increase stored in our liver as Ferritin, which is drawn on when needed. However when there is a breakdown in this process, we can see an increase in iron to levels of dangerous excess via our pathology results (Full Blood Count and Iron Studies), and via clinical symptoms. Excess iron causes iron overload, and is known as Haemochromatosis. The most most common reason is a genetic, or inherited cause. We can test for this via the HFE gene test if the initial FBC and Iron studies indicate Haemochromatosis. Image source Testing for Haemochromatosis Iron Studies (like below) can provide indications we have iron overload, and depending on lifestyle also the need for Haemochromatosis genetic testing. Ferritin and Transferrin Saturation are the best markers as indicators of iron overload. Table source: Iron Study results indication Haemochromatosis Haemochromatosis and the HFE Gene Haemochromatosis predominantly arises from defects in the HFE gene. The two most common mutations that occur on this gene are the C282Y and H63D mutations. Genetic testing results may be shown by: Table source: highlighting the varieties of HFE gene mutations possible on testing and associated risk of developing Haemochromatosis. While the genetic cause of Haemochromatosis is the most common cause, there are other reasons that iron overload may occur in your body. They can include: Excess iron supplementation (dangerous) Age Excess dietary intake of iron Alcohol as it impedes the liver's ability to deal with iron Regular blood transfusions for Thalassaemia major patients may cause iron overload. Thalassaemia is a genetic disorder of red blood cell production. Thalassaemia minor means one thalassaemia gene is inherited while the other is normal, whereas Thalassaemia major is where two inherited thalassaemia genes are inherited, resulting in severe anaemia, and the requirement for repeated transfusions. Iron overload can occur as an unfortunate consequence, with patients presenting with symptoms as per below. Haemochromatosis Symptom Picture In Haemochromatosis, as there is impaired ability to get rid of excess iron, it can get stored in our joints, heart, pancreas, brain, and hormonal glands. The symptom picture can look like a lot of other conditions and so may take time to understand what is going on. This is why it is important to have regular, routine pathology tests performed to get an early indication. Symptoms can include: Fatigue Joint issues - joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis Abdominal pain Diabetes - excess iron build up in the pancreas can lead to insulin excretion problems Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and Hepatitis B & C Reproductive hormone issues - irregular menstruation, low libido, erectile dysfunction, gynaecomastia (swollen breasts in males) Skin taking on a bronze look Hair loss Heart issues - heart rhythm problems Memory issues Depression, mood swings, impulsiveness, anger problems Hypothyroidism Weight loss Haemochromatosis Treatment Iron levels need to be restored to safe levels as soon as possible. Seeing your G.P. and arranging for venesection to remove blood is the primary method of treatment and continue to have regular blood tests to ensure optimal and safe levels of iron. Following a low iron diet then becomes crucial. If you would like to discuss your pathology results should have you have any concerns regarding your iron status , then please don't hesitate to book in for a consultation. Sign Up for Further Educational Material If you would like to make sure you don't miss a Blog update from me, or would like to receive more information in the form of upcoming e-Books and Online courses, then please subscribe to my mailing list at the bottom of the Blog front page. References: Haemochromatosis - when you have too much iron in your body Haemochromatosis Australia - an inherited iron overload disorder HFE Mutations Haemochromatosis Questions Answered Common Thalassaemia Questions ARTICLE/CONTENT DISCLAIMER The information provided in this blog/article/handout is for your personal or other non-commercial, educational purposes. It should not be considered as medical or professional advice. We recommend you consult with a GP or other healthcare professional before taking or omitting to take any action based on this blog/article/handout. While the author uses best endeavours to provide accurate and true content, the author makes no guarantees or promises and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information presented. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this blog/article/handout are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this blog/article/handout is done at your own risk. Any third-party materials or content of any third-party site referenced in this blog/article/handout do not necessarily reflect the author’s opinion, standards or policies and the author does not assume any liability for them whatsoever.
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- m-pATH Naturopathy - Recipes from Kim Atherton Naturopath
Recipes ensuring your food is your medicine! I am a recipe follower. I find it helps my family and I plan meals for the week, to do our grocery shopping, and ensure we stay on track with eating healthy throughout the week (well at least 80% of the time...). Eating should be about enjoyment and eating the rainbow of colours is not only visually appealing, it is literally ensuring that your "Food is your Medicine" from a Naturopathic and Nutritional standpoint. I hope you enjoy the recipes taken from many wonderful cooks, with all credit given to those responsible for creating family favourites in our home. See Resources Page for Recipes Breakfast ideas to set you up for the day! This is the time of the day to "break the fast" with some healthy options. The better the breakfast, the more likely you will be energised and set up for your day. Download Recipes Lunch ideas with an abundance of colours! Lunches can often be leftovers from the previous evening's meal (if your family members haven't already pinched them from you), or it can be an abundance of fresh flavours and colours - the more the better! Download Recipes Dinner ideas from varied cuisines! So many dinner ideas to choose from with loads of cuisines reflected. We try and make sure we have completed our vegetable intake by the end of the day. Download Recipes Snack ideas that are healthy & enjoyable! Most of us like a little treat every now and then. We have many healthy and enjoyable snack options available for those times. Enjoy! Download Recipes
- Kim Atherton | m-pATH Naturopathy | Biomedical Naturopath
Welcome! My name is Kim Atherton from m-pATH Naturopathy. I am a Clinical Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist and Biomedical Scientist. I have always been interested in the science behind health since I was a teenager. I studied Biomedical Science at university and have worked in the pathology industry since 1986. It has seemed to me over the years that early signs of poor health are often missed, and things that feel not quite right - tiredness, stress, weight issues, menstrual issues, pain, emotional changes, bowel issues, skin issues can often be overlooked for what the body is trying to tell us. Hence my studies in Clinical Naturopathy and Clinical Nutrition. As a mature aged consultant, I also bring my plentiful life experiences (I'm still on my own health journey), along with my scientific knowledge and intimate understanding of the usefulness of pathology and functional testing to truly understand what's going on at an early stage. Not everything requires testing, but if it does I have the expertise to interpret and provide guidance on how best to assist. If you would like to speak about any health concerns you have, please feel free to reach out. I'd love to hear from you. My goal is to empower you to understand what your body is telling you, ensure your pathology results are explained, and to empower you to address the changes you need. Be the person you want to be by taking your health in your hands. I look forward to working with you! Kim x Book Now m-pATH Naturopathy m-pATH Naturopathy bore its name through a journey of serendipity from discussion with my family. The word serendipity has always meant so much to me as everything in my life that has been good, has been stumbled upon by accident. The same is true for my journey into natural health and my business and its name. m-pATH – is for Empathy which is the non-judgemental, supportive emotion I bring to every client consultation. m – is for Empowering which is how I help educate and train you in simple, understandable language that helps you take control of your own health journey. m is also for MTHFR which is the genetic variant I have that explained so many life circumstances I had experienced. Importantly, I now know how to work with this gene and many hundreds of others, via the process of nutrigenomics. This is using nutrition from food and supplements, herbs and homeopathy to optimise my health and that of my family, and yours! pATH – is for Pathology which is where I have spent my entire career spanning over 35 years and is the expertise I bring to all my consultations. pATH – is also for the pathway or health journey we are all on and which I would be happy to assist you with. ATH – is for Atherton which is my family name and my family (my husband, two daughters and our lovely dog Lola) mean the world to me. m – is for Metabolic Pathways and the deep knowledge of these biochemical pathways and how the smallest changes can alter them positively (or if ignored, negatively). I bring this deep knowledge to share with you in your consultation, and ensure your pathology results are explained. The curved m design is ‘organic’ in nature reflecting the organic nature of the healing process, as well as resembling a heart which reflects what I bring to every consultation. What makes me even prouder of my business name is that it is fully branded by my daughter, Ella. Why so many beach scenes? I grew up on the beach, and if you've ever known how good a swim is in the ocean, you are beginning to understand the power of one of our most essentials minerals - Magnesium - a mineral that is so helpful for us, yet nearly all of us are deficient in. Let me help you understand more. Find Out How - Book Now My Qualifications Bachelor of Applied Science - Biomedical Science My interest in Biomedical Science began in high school when I completed an assignment on anaemia. Little would I know that in my 50's I would still be endeavouring to understand the complex, many causes behind anaemia (which is not as straight forward as my Biomedical Science training had me understand). I decided back then that a career in Biomedical Science was my calling. I have worked in many fields of pathology over the past 35 years, both in the laboratory and commercially. It has always been the clinical science that has fascinated me. AdvDip. Clinical Naturopathy AdvDip. Clinical Nutrition AdvDip. Western Herbal Medicine Associate Fellowship of Advanced Homeopathy AdvDip. Integrative Natural Health My qualifications in Clinical Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition, Western Herbal Medicine, Integrative Natural Health and Homeopathy enable me to help clients understand the progressive nature of declining health. We are generally not 'healthy', then suddenly 'unhealthy'. There is a continuum and our bodies give us messages. Little 'niggles' that we know aren't quite right. This is the gap where I can help you understand what is going on, and provide guidance on how you can turn that around. Dip. Marketing Dip. Business Management Dip. Finance Dip. Financial Markets Over the years I have gained qualifications in business, marketing and finance as I have always thought that one day I would start my own business that would help others gain knowledge off the back of my many decades of learning. Learning is what I love to do, and arming you with that knowledge would give me such joy. Here we are with m-pATH Naturopathy, and here we are that you've found me. I am ready to empower you to be the person you want to be . Are you ready to take back your health in your hands? Read my Educational Blogs Interested to know how I can help you? Feel free to contact me by booking online for a 10-minute Discovery call to see if I am a good fit for your needs. Be the person you want to be by taking your health in your hands by having your pathology results explained! Book a Discovery Call Now